Pet Care

Why Do Cats Scratch Themselves?

By |2023-04-27T14:54:01-06:00October 1, 2022|

Is your cat scratching everything in sight? While this is normal behavior for your cat, it can be hard on your furniture and fabrics. Let’s talk about why cats scratch and how parents can keep them safe and healthy.  Why Do Cats Scratch? Scratching behavior is common in cats. It brings them comfort and

What Is Pet Insurance?

By |2024-07-25T14:08:23-06:00February 24, 2022|

Everyone has purchased insurance at some point, but very few people understand how it works. This is no surprise as it can be confusing, so when people hear of insurance for animals they wonder: “What is pet insurance and why would I ever need it?” First, consider the things in your life you deem worthy

What You Need to Know About 3D Printing in Vet Medicine

By |2022-06-21T09:40:57-06:00January 9, 2022|

3D printing is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the healthcare field, both for humans and in the veterinary sector. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing is being used by more vets everyday to cope with anything from implants to prosthetics to tissue replacements. Vets are slowly turning to these 3D printing medical devices because

Dogs and Storms

By |2023-07-18T13:34:25-06:00July 1, 2021|

April showers bring May flowers, so it’s no surprise to anyone that springtime means storms. So why is this a problem? Thunderstorms! If you’re a dog owner, you’re going to want to be prepared for spring thunderstorms. If your dog reacts poorly to loud situations, read through our tips on how to prepare and calm

Top-8 Common Cat Diseases

By |2021-06-21T09:07:06-06:00June 20, 2021|

Our pets are very precious to us, so much to the point where we would do anything to keep them safe. Most people buy cat insurance to ensure their furbaby’s well-being. Cat insurance can help protect their parent’s wallets if the kitty were to become sick or get in an accident. Unfortunately, cats get sick

National Chip Your Pet Month

By |2021-04-29T10:50:03-06:00April 20, 2021|

It’s finally that time of the year again, summer is almost here and we should all be celebrating! But did you know that summer is kicked off with National Chip Your Pet Month? May is officially recognized as this holiday by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and was made to educate responsible pet parents on

Do Pets Need Annual Physical Exams?

By |2024-07-29T16:03:35-06:00March 8, 2021|

Our pets are different from us in many ways, humans normally don’t chew on rocks and socks like our fur babies, but we’re similar in one way: physical exams. Humans make a yearly trip to the doctor to make sure everything is working correctly, and we should make the same consideration for our furry little

Is Benadryl Safe for Dogs?

By |2020-12-18T10:12:33-06:00November 30, 2020|

Benadryl is a brand name for the drug: diphenhydramine, which is an antihistamine. Antihistamines work by blocking the effects of the naturally occurring chemical histamine in the body. Histamine is often produced during an allergic reaction. Benadryl is used for many different reasons: Decreases cold-like symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, or itching Reduces hives

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