Pet Care

Torn ACL in Dogs

By |2020-12-16T11:29:36-06:00March 16, 2020|

If you’re a dog owner, you likely have heard of various injuries your pet could sustain. A torn ACL is one such injury. An ACL tear, also called a cranial cruciate ligament rupture or CCL in dogs, is when the ligament that connects the back of the femur to the front of the tibia is

How are Your Prudent Pet Policies Built?

By |2020-12-16T11:09:12-06:00March 12, 2020|

Insurance is confusing; there’s no shame in admitting that. Pet insurance is also bundled into that wide category of insurance, which increases the bewilderment because many people don’t even know pet insurance exists. Despite being under that same insurance umbrella, cat insurance and doggo insurance differ quite a bit from other forms of insurance, such

Cancer in Dogs and Cats

By |2020-12-16T12:01:25-06:00March 10, 2020|

Cancer in pets is something that no pet owner should have to worry about. If you’ve heard about cancer in dogs and cats, as a pet owner, you may be worried your beloved furry family member might be diagnosed with cancer. Although you don’t want to worry unnecessarily, sometimes having medical information on a topic

6 Ways to Give Your Dog a Pill

By |2020-12-16T11:12:32-06:00March 5, 2020|

Dogs will eat just about anything, but when it comes to pills and medication, they tend to get stubborn. You never want to avoid giving your pup important medications just because they’re suspicious of swallowing pills. That’s why we compiled some tips on how to give a dog their pills, even if you don't have

How to Brush Cat’s Teeth

By |2021-02-06T22:05:58-06:00February 25, 2020|

Keeping your cat’s teeth clean and healthy is vital to their overall health. If you’ve ever noticed that your cat’s breath needs freshening, that smell can be a sign of poor dental hygiene. The same bacteria that cause dental disease travel through your cat’s bloodstream to cause heart, kidney, and lung disease. The most important

French Bulldogs Common Health Issues

By |2020-12-16T10:25:35-06:00January 8, 2020|

The French Bulldog, with his playful attitude and even disposition, is one of the most popular small dog breeds. The breed is affectionate and charming. Frenchies get along well with other animals and their human families. Their adaptable and quiet nature makes them a popular choice with city dwellers worldwide. Unfortunately, the breed has many

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